Rep. Schmidt Speaks Out Against Legislative Pay Raises in the FY25 State Budget (Video)

In the early hours of the morning, while most of Illinois’ citizens were fast asleep, the majority party pulled smoke and mirror tactics to pass a budget that does not serve the needs of the people. The proposed budget sets a record high of more than $53 billion in spending—a 32% increase over the last five years—and includes nearly $1 billion in tax increases and another $1 billion in spending on services for non-citizens.

Around 2am, while debating the budget, Rep. Schmidt spoke out about the legislative pay raises that were included in the bill. Full video below.

Rep. Schmidt donates his legislative pay raise monthly to different food pantries in his district. Food is a basic necessity for every person, and Rep. Schmidt is committed to fighting food insecurity. To learn more about his efforts and to find resources in your area, please visit In Need of Assistance? Find a Food Pantry in Your Area – Kevin Schmidt (