Schmidt’s Spotlight

Thank you for staying informed and reading Schmidt’s Spotlight. I’m grateful for the opportunity to connect and keep you updated on all the latest, both in Springfield and back here in-district. 

Now that the 2024 Spring Legislative Session is over, my summer events will really be ramping up. Events for the rest of June of listed below. I’ll also update you on how I’ve been representing you in Springfield with details on important legislation I am supporting.

Upcoming Events

I would love to meet you at one of my upcoming events! All events are free and open to the public. Call 618-215-1050 with any questions.

Lowering Cost for Families

I am continuing my commitment to lowering costs for families across Illinois. I am supporting important legislation to prevent tax hikes, lower energy and healthcare costs, and promote fiscal responsibility.

I am committed to ensuring that working families and seniors in Illinois are not burdened with unnecessary tax hikes. By supporting legislation to lower energy and healthcare costs, and promote fiscal responsibility, we can make a positive impact on the lives of all Illinoisans. While the pressures of rising costs are affecting all of us, I will continue to fight to relieve this burden on the families of our communities.

Stopping Tax Hikes on Working Families and Seniors

I am advocating against wasteful spending and have consistently opposed misplaced priorities, such as taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits for undocumented immigrants. I have been consistently fighting proposed taxes on retirement income, ensuring that Illinois seniors can enjoy their hard-earned retirement savings without additional financial strain.

Additionally, I have co-sponsored several pieces of legislation seeking to reduce the tax burden on essential items like groceries and medications.

Notable bills include:

HR 24 Supporting no taxing of retirement income.

HB 2336 Seeing that certain food and medications were no longer taxed.

HB 1074 Raising the income limitation on the property tax senior freeze.

Cutting Energy Costs

To protect low-income residents from soaring energy costs, I am fighting to extend crucial energy relief programs when they were at risk of expiring. My legislative efforts include:

SB 76 – Supporting high-energy sources and reliability.

HB 4471 – Extending energy relief programs for low-income residents.

Lowering Healthcare Costs

In a bid to make healthcare more accessible and affordable, I have supported numerous bills aimed at reducing costs for essential health services. I have backed legislation to increase access to cancer screenings, cap insulin costs at $35 per month, and expand the availability of epi-pens.

In a bipartisan effort, I supported Governor Pritzker’s insurance reform bill, addressing key consumer concerns and enhancing healthcare coverage across the state. Key healthcare-related bills include:

HB 3202 – Increasing access to cancer screenings.

HB 2189 – Capping insulin costs.

HB 3639 – Expanding availability of epi-pens.

HB 5395 – Insurance reform bill.

I remain dedicated to my mission of lowering costs and ensuring a better quality of life for all residents of Illinois. My legislative efforts reflect a deep commitment to fiscal responsibility, energy reliability, and accessible healthcare.

FY25 Budget Statement with Video

I stand firmly against the proposed budget for its egregious allocation of funds prioritizing illegal immigrants over hardworking Illinois citizens. This budget is not only unbalanced but also reflects a clear disregard for the needs of our communities. While the majority party indulges in their pet projects, Illinoisans are left to bear the brunt of rising costs of living and inflation.

The proposed budget sets a record high of more than $53 billion in spending—a 32% increase over the last five years—and includes nearly $1 billion in tax increases and another $1 billion in spending on services for non-citizens.

I refuse to idly stand by while our state’s resources are mismanaged and misallocated. That’s why I am sponsoring or co-sponsoring over thirteen different bills aimed at combating the crippling effects of inflation and ensuring that the priorities of Illinois’ citizens are at the forefront of our legislative action. It’s time for responsible governance that puts the interests of our citizens first, and I will continue to fight tirelessly for a budget that reflects the true needs of Illinois’ citizens.

Click the link below to watch my statement on the state budget.

Rep. Schmidt FY25 Budget Statement

Speaking Out Against Pay Raises in the FY25 State Budget with Video 

In the early hours of the morning, while most of Illinois’ citizens were fast asleep, the majority party pulled smoke and mirror tactics to pass a budget that does not serve the needs of the people. The proposed budget sets a record high of more than $53 billion in spending—a 32% increase over the last five years—and includes nearly $1 billion in tax increases and another $1 billion in spending on services for non-citizens.

Around 2am, while debating the budget, I spoke out about the legislative pay raises that were included in the bill. Full video below.

I donate my legislative pay raise monthly to different food pantries in his district. Food is a basic necessity for every person, and I am committed to fighting food insecurity. To learn more about my efforts and to find resources in your area, please visit In Need of Assistance? Find a Food Pantry in Your Area – Kevin Schmidt (

Rep. Schmidt Speaks Out Against Legislative Pay Raises in the FY25 State Budget

Thank you again for staying informed. It’s an honor to be your State Representative.