During the months-long trial of former Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan, the jury heard testimony about the powerful Democrat’s use of play-to-pay tactics that included bribery and ghost jobs. That testimony ultimately led to a guilty verdict for the longtime politician.

Despite the guilty finding, the culture of corruption cultivated by Madigan is still in play in the Land of Lincoln and we cannot afford to be complacent. Madigan’s handpicked successor now presides over the House of Representatives, and the House chamber is still governed by Madigan rules.
The culture created by Madigan, gives the current Speaker ultimate power to control what legislation is acted upon. Allowing one person to block laws like implementing term limits or preventing politicians from drawing voting districts. It is a culture that permitted a corrupt politician to select a successor – one who, incidentally, single handedly shut down an investigation into corruption allegations against that politician.
It is a culture that lets legislators lobby while in office, puts roadblocks in front of those trying to enforce accountability and allows public officials charged with crimes to use campaign funds for their legal defense.
Madigan Verdict Showed Need for Legislative Investigation
In the wake of the Madigan verdict, Illinois should move full steam ahead to enact ethics reforms and finally eradicate the culture of corruption that has plagued our state for far too long. House Republicans are ready with a plan and a legislative ethics package that would put power back in the hands of Illinoisans, where it should be.
Provisions in the legislative package includes:
- Suspending pensions from retired lawmakers who face corruption charges stemming from their work as legislators
- Requiring elected officials to recuse themselves from voting on legislation when they or a family member would directly benefit it
- Prohibiting legislators and Constitutional officers from lobbying at the local level
- Putting ‘teeth’ into the Legislative Inspector General’s office to subpoena people and conduct investigations without first getting approval from the people they may be investigating
- Stopping the ‘revolving door’ practice of one day being a Member of the General Assembly and the next day becoming a lobbyist
- Not allowing public officials to use campaign funds for their legal defense
Rep. Schmidt Votes Against Restrictive House Rules
The little-known Rules that control the legislative process in Illinois were voted on in the Illinois House of Representatives. Adopting a set of procedural rules to govern the House for the next two years is one of the most important votes a legislator will cast. Read more…