Rep. Schmidt Rejects $1 Billion Tax Hike Budget and $1 Billion More for Illegal Immigrants (w/Video)

Springfield, IL…State Representative Kevin Schmidt has issued a statement in response to the passing of the FY25 state budget, highlighting serious concerns over its allocation of resources and the implications for Illinois citizens.

“I stand firmly against the proposed budget for its egregious allocation of funds prioritizing illegal immigrants over hardworking Illinois citizens,” Rep. Schmidt said. “This budget is not only unbalanced but also reflects a clear disregard for the needs of our communities. While the majority party indulges in their pet projects, Illinoisans are left to bear the brunt of rising costs of living and inflation.”

The proposed budget sets a record high of more than $53 billion in spending—a 32% increase over the last five years—and includes nearly $1 billion in tax increases and another $1 billion in spending on services for non-citizens.

“I refuse to idly stand by while our state’s resources are mismanaged and misallocated. That’s why I am sponsoring or co-sponsoring over thirteen different bills aimed at combating the crippling effects of inflation and ensuring that the priorities of Illinois’ citizens are at the forefront of our legislative action. It’s time for responsible governance that puts the interests of our citizens first, and I will continue to fight tirelessly for a budget that reflects the true needs of Illinois’ citizens,” said Rep. Schmidt.

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