Rep. Schmidt Co-Sponsors Bill to End Illinois’ Sanctuary State Status

Springfield, IL…State Representative Kevin Schmidt (R-East St. Louis) has co-sponsored State Representative C.D. Davidsmeyer’s (R-Murrayville) legislation aimed at addressing the challenges posed by undocumented immigration in Illinois. HB 4187 seeks to repeal the TRUST Act and terminate Illinois’ status as a sanctuary state for undocumented immigrants.

“Ensuring the integrity of our immigration system is crucial to safeguarding the well-being of our communities and upholding the rule of law,” stated Rep. Schmidt. “By co-sponsoring this bill, I am reaffirming my commitment to responsible immigration policies that prioritize the interests of Illinois residents.”

HB 4187, introduced by Rep. Davidsmeyer, seeks to repeal the TRUST Act, which was enacted in 2017 and prohibits local law enforcement agencies in Illinois from collaborating with federal immigration authorities. Rep. Schmidt’s endorsement of the bill reflects his effort to address the pressing issues surrounding undocumented immigration.

“Illinois cannot afford to continue shouldering the financial burden of sanctuary policies that incentivize illegal immigration,” emphasized Rep. Schmidt. “It is imperative that we take decisive action to restore accountability and fiscal responsibility in our immigration enforcement efforts.”

Illinois gives undocumented immigrants free healthcare benefits, driver’s licenses, housing assistance, and other benefits costing Illinois’ taxpayers an estimated $2.9 billion each year. More than 18,500 migrants have been transported to Chicago from border states. The need for legislative intervention is clear.

“The current sanctuary policies not only undermine our immigration laws but also place an undue burden on taxpayers,” emphasized Rep. Schmidt. “We cannot continue to provide taxpayer-funded benefits to undocumented immigrants while our own citizens face escalating healthcare costs and budgetary strains.”

To express support for HB 4187 and join the effort to end Illinois’ sanctuary status for undocumented immigrants, citizens are encouraged to visit End Illinois’ Sanctuary State. Repeal the TRUST Act. – Illinois House Republicans ( and sign the petition.
