Rep. Schmidt Legislation Supports Women and Families

Springfield, IL…State Representative Kevin Schmidt (R-Cahokia Heights) has co-sponsored several important pieces of legislation aimed at supporting the well-being of women and families across Illinois. These bills, recently passed by the House and moving to the Senate, address crucial issues such as healthcare access, caregiver support, and the protection of pregnant women.

“Supporting the well-being of women and families is essential for the strength and resilience of our communities,” said Rep. Schmidt. “I am committed to advocating for policies that uplift and empower women and families across our great state.”

House Bills Co-Sponsored by Rep. Schmidt:

HB4055 – Ensuring Healthcare Access: House Bill 4055 ensures equitable access to essential medical treatments by mandating coverage for specific healthcare services under insurance policies.

HB5643 – Affordable Maternal CareHouse Bill 5643 mandates coverage for at-home pregnancy tests under insurance policies, aiming to remove barriers to prenatal care and empower women to make informed decisions about their health.

HB4677 – Supporting Caregivers: House Bill 4677 establishes the Illinois Caregiver Assistance and Resource Portal, a one-stop shop for families that helps them navigate caregiving resources.

HB5431 – Protecting Pregnant Women: House Bill 5431 expands healthcare provisions for pregnant women in correctional facilities.

As these bills advance to the Senate, Rep. Schmidt remains dedicated to advocating for policies that promote the health, safety, and prosperity of women and families throughout our state. To learn more about Rep. Schmidt and to sign up for important email updates, visit
