In October 2021, a multi-purpose building that housed the Washington Park Police and Fire Departments burned down. Since then, the Village has not had an adequate building to house those facilities. The Village has been able to secure capital funding in the State’s FY23 budget to help repair and rebuild, but they have not been able to access those funds yet in light of audit requirements that are no fault of their own. HB2341, if passed, would create an exemption for cities that do not have access to financial documents, either from fire, employee misconduct, etc. If they are unable to conduct an audit due to not having the information available, they would be allowed to submit a request to waive those audit requirements, subject to approval.
Below is a video of Rep. Schmidt, joined by local mayors Leonard Moore of Washington Park and Fitzgerald Roberts of Dixmoor, speaking on this legislation and the reasons it has been filed. The bill has now passed committee and will move to be voted on in the house.